Certificate Course on Ocean Governance, Conservation and Sustainable Resource Management

සාගර පාලනය, සංරක්ෂණය සහ තිරසාර සම්පත් කළමනාකරණය පිළිබඳ සහතික පත්‍ර පාඨමාලාව

Online 11 -29 november 2023 in sinhala language

2023 නොවැම්බර් 11 -29 සිංහල භාෂාවෙන්


Course Fee


Duration of each Course

Total hours 20 (two hours/day including Q&A session)



Eligibility of the Applicants/Deadline of Application

Registrations are being received directly by the IOI Ocean Academy programme representative at NARA, Sri Lanka 

This IOI Ocean Academy course is aimed at all stakeholders in the Fisheries and Ocean sectors. This course is open to all those interested in the sector. For expressions of interest contact Mr Aruna Maheepala, IOI Focal Point in Sri Lanka here: ioislfocalpoint@gmail.com 

Learning Outcomes

  • Obtain a basic understanding of the Ocean, the goods and services it provides, the threats to the Ocean, and how to live in a more sustainable way with the Ocean;
  • Understand the linkages between Ocean governance and sustainable and equitable human use, application of the principle of the common heritage of humankind, the needs of future generations;
  • Identify priority issues, trends and future challenges in Ocean issues, locally and globally;
  • Understand and Describe Marine ecosystem and management practice, port shipping and security, fisheries, aquaculture, women in fisheries and recreational use of Sri Lanka waters.

More information

 Contact Mr Aruna Maheepala   ioislfocalpoint@gmail.com

How to apply

Registrations are being received directly by the IOI Ocean Academy course representative at NARA, Sri Lanka, Mr Aruna Maheepala  
