A session organised by the IOI as a special event of the 50th anniversary of the institute during the [VIRTUAL] INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MARINE SCIENCE and AQUACULTURE (vICOMSA);
8th March 2022, Online

Humankind faces immediate and critical issues as it grapples with the impacts and opportunities of development, sustainable practices, the circular economy and the challenges of climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution, and food security. These challenges also have a substantial impact on fisheries and aquaculture activities which support the livelihoods of millions of people around the world.
As part of the IOI’s 50th Anniversary celebrations, IOI partnered with the organisers of VICOMSA to offer a special side-event on the 8th of March, during the conference. Invited expert speakers focussed their presentations with the intent to develop and emphasise the importance of a sustainable Blue Economy in Marine Science and Aquaculture. Antonella Vassallo, Managing Director IOI HQ chaired the online session which was also open to interested registrants.
After an introduction from Dr Awni Behnam, Honorary President IOI, distinguished speakers gave their presentations: Alan Deidun (Director IOI Malta) - The Extraction of BAMs (Biologically Active Molecules) From Aquaculture and Fishing Discards; Sirikan Prasertying (Director ITD) Perspective on Blue Economy Development Framework: Approaching Sustainable Economic Growth in Southeast Asia; Elif Ozgur (Turkish Marine Research Foundation) The EU Project Results of the “Climate Change Adaptation for the Sea and Coasts of Antalya” with Special Emphasis on the Ocean Literacy for the Development of Blue Economy; Lamiaa Mohamedien (Director, IOI Egypt and Chair of the Network of IOI Centres) - Impact of Marine pollution on Fisheries and Aquaculture, Another Challenge to Achieving a Sustainable Blue Economy; Chersdak Virapat (Director General of Centre on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific CIRDAP) - Current Challenges of Sustainable Blue Economy in Aquaculture.