Annual Activity Report of the IOI

The International Ocean Institute's 2023 annual programme of activities focuses strongly on the provision of the international and regional programmes on capacity development and education in ocean governance which are the hallmark of IOI, and outreach in Ocean Literacy through the global IOI Ocean Academy. Key events in 2023 reflected IOI's mission to create the ocean leaders of the future, to expand ocean literacy, and form new partnerships, with notable participation in international conferences and efforts to mainstream ocean issues within education and training.


The year saw significant achievements, and some highlights of the work over 2023 on capacity development, ocean governance education, and outreach through the global IOI Ocean Academy, include:

  • Training 250 early/mid-career ocean practitioners from 59 countries through nine training events.
  • Offering 43 Ocean Academy programmes, in 12 languages, completed by over 1,300 participants.
  • Hosting 4 webinars reaching 550 IOI alumni and early-career professionals.

In implementing its mission, the IOI gratefully acknowledges the support and guidance of the IOI Governing Board which brings to bear expertise and substantial joint experience in directing the IOI mission and plans of action. The IOI’s ambitious programmes could not be achieved without the continued and generous financial support of the Ocean Science and Research Foundation, and other sponsors and supporters. Heartfelt thanks are also due to the IOI partners and supporters, the Secretariat at IOI HQ, and the IOI family of Centre Directors and Focal Points, the Directors of the IOI Ocean Academy programmes, and IOI Alumni, who propose and implement the rich event calendar of the IOI, and to and their host institutes, for their tireless work, support and encouragement. 


I warmly invite you to read our report of activities for 2023, do take a look at our website for more information and to contact us for more information on topics of interest, 

Antonella Vassallo

Managing Director, IOI HQ

IOI Annual Report for 2023.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 12.9 MB