Ocean Guardians: Empowering Nigerians through Ocean Literacy

online 17-20 october 2023 in the English language


Course Fee


Duration of the Course

Total hours 20 



Deadline of Application

16 October 2023

Eligibility of Applicants

Open to all citizens of West Africa, particularly graduates, postgraduates and undergraduates, mid-level officers in marine related institutions, staff of relevant NGOs, policy makers within Ministries and Departments, IOI Alumni and any interested members of the public.


The course is aimed at bringing to fore the concept of ocean guardianship which recognizes that everyone has roles to play in preserving the ocean for current and future generations. It will emphasize the role of individuals, communities, organizations, and governments in promoting sustainable practices, raising awareness, and advocating for policies that support ocean conservation and resilience. It also empowers people to make a positive difference and fosters a sense of responsibility and stewardship towards the Ocean and its biodiversity.

learning outcomes

  • Emphasize Ocean literacy principles and the need for understanding the ocean as the common heritage of mankind;
  • Equip participants with understanding of Ocean ecosystems, including local coastal and deep offshore environments;
  • Learn sustainable practices to reduce negative impacts on marine life;
  • Understand the importance of climate change adaptation for coastal resilience;
  • Gain skills in taking actions on Ocean maters, policy advocacy, and effective education and outreach to promote Ocean conservation.

more information

how to apply

Closed for applications


IOI Nigeria Course Programme 0223.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 138.0 KB