(2do Seminario Internacional "Océanos, Sustentabilidad y Medio Ambiente")
18 August 2023, Campus Providencia, Universidad Autonoma de Chile

The Seminar was organised by the International Ocean Institute (IOI Focal Point in Chile), together with Universidad Autonoma de Chile and the Instituto de Investigacion en Derecho of the Law School. Some of the speakers for this year’s event were: Ambassador Maria Teresa Infante, Member of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS); Mariana Durney, from the International Seabed Authority (ISA); and Dr Blanca Rodríguez-Chavez, from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain, among others. Antonella Vassallo, Managing Director IOI, delivered the opening speech via prerecorded video and Dr Frida Armas Pfirter, newly elected member of the ITLOS, and IOI training programme faculty member, delivered the keynote address. Dr Nicolás Ojeda, IOI Focal Point in Chile, and member of the organising committee ably moderated one of the seminar panels. The event was open for students, academics, professionals, and the general public, and for the second year in a row provided an opportunity to speak about the developments and international experiences. The success of this second iteration of the seminar is testament to the importance of this event and its consolidation as a forum to discuss topics concerning the protection of the marine environment, sustainable development, and future challenges, among others.