Posts tagged with "Training"

IOI China Training Programme on Ocean Governance: Legal Framework, Policies, Technologies and Practices; 27 May – 7 June Tianjin, China
This training programme - co-organised by NMDIS and the IOI China Regional Centre for the West Pacific Region - provided an introduction to themes of Ocean Governance with special reference to the international legal framework of UNCLOS.

The IOI Training Centre in Canada successfully delivers Ocean capacity development and training events in the first half of 2024
IOI Canada's recent online training programme addressing Ocean Governance after COP28, concluded successfully in May, reaching an international audience from over 50 countries. An earlier outreach event titled The Ocean and Us in an Era of Climate Change was offered in partnership with educators as a professional development day for teachers.

Applications are NOW OPEN for IOI Canada’s next Ocean Governance Training; Online; 18th March - 23rd May 2024
This programme is aimed primarily at marine professionals around the world with responsibility for some aspect of coastal and Ocean management. Participants need to be proficient in the English language to maximally benefit from the interactive programme.

Successful delivery of the 18th IOI Malta Training Programme on Regional Ocean Governance for the Mediterranean, Black, Baltic and Caspian Seas

IOI Nigeria Ocean Literacy and IOI Alumni Lecture Series; Hybrid, 1st December 2023
The Ocean Literacy and Alumni Lecture Series was held at the Nigerian Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research (NIOMR)/African Regional Aquaculture Centre (ARAC) Centre, in Nigeria.

IOI Germany Monsoon School: Generating impact in complex coastal and marine contexts; Online 1 - 10 November 2023
IOI Germany and the host institute, Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT), successfully conducted a training course on the co-design and development of transdisciplinary research projects in a Global North/South perspective.

IOI Canada Ocean Governance Workshop for Indigenous Peoples, 23 - 27 October 2023
Following last year’s successful pilot, IOI Canada recently delivered its second Workshop on Ocean Governance for Indigenous Peoples.

9th IOI training Programme on the Sustainable Development and Governance of the Caspian Sea, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, 11–22 September 2023
Offered as part of the IOI’s capacity building programmes on Ocean Governance and in partnership with co-founding partner the Caspian Sea Institute (CSI) of Turkmenistan, the Ninth course focusing on Caspian Sea issues came to a fruitful completion last month.

Training Course on Ocean Governance: Legal Framework, Policies, Technologies and Practices, 11 - 22 September 2023
The training course was co-organised by the National Marine Data and Information Service (NMDIS) of the Ministry of Natural Resources and the IOI China Regional Center for the West Pacific Region at Aster Plaza, Tianjin, China; Report by Prof Mao Bin (Course Director)

IOI South Africa 10th Ocean Governance Training Programme in Cape Town, South Africa, 4 - 29 September 2023
Under the able guidance of Directors Lynn Jackson and Judy Beaumont, and the assistance of Kirshia Govender, the International Ocean Institute – Southern Africa (IOI SA), organised and successfully delivered the 11th Ocean Governance Training Progamme, welcoming 23 local and international participants: 15 from South Africa, and 8 from Algeria, Cameroon, Kenya, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia and Tanzania.

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