Online: 1 & 3 November; and 8 & 10 November

This training workshop was offered by the IOI through the IOI training centre in South Africa, in partnership with the ECOP Programme, an endorsed Action of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, IOC-UNESCO. It was funded through the generous support of the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation.
This online training opportunity for Early Career Ocean Professionals built on the decades-long experience of the IOI in training career ocean practitioners and aimed at providing a basic interdisciplinary introduction to the concepts of Ocean governance, targeted to ECOPs hailing from countries bordering the seas of the African continent.
The central administration of the programme was carried out by the International Ocean Institute via its Secretariat in Malta, and the programme implemented through the training Centre of IOI in South Africa. Following a very successful call for applications, the online Workshop was provided free of charge to a selected cohort of 30 participants from over 450 applications. Participants hailed from 9 different countries: Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Namibia, Nigeria, Somalia, South Africa, and Tanzania