Posts tagged with "IOInforma0223"

IOI Alumni Continuous Professional Development Webinar Series: Sailing into the Blue Economy
As part of IOI's continuing commitment to IOI Alumni, a series of topical webinars are planned for 2023 with the aim of sharing unique perspectives and state of the art developments. Expert speakers shall offer new insights, while focussed interactions between practitioners and the speakers are designed to add cutting edge knowledge to experience.

IOI Canada Online Course on Ocean Governance: SDG14 and the UN Summit of the Future, 11 April - 1 June 2023
Over 130 participants from nearly 50 countries have registered for this interdisciplinary training which combines webinar-style lectures, discussions, readings, videos and assignments.

IOI South Africa Ocean Governance Programme : Applications Now Open
IOI South Africa is happy to announce that the annual 4-week Ocean Governance Training Programme will take place from the 4 - 29 September 2023.

Obituary Vladimir Vladimirovich Golitsyn (27/02/47 – 26/03/23)
The Ocean has lost another champion with the passing of Judge Vladimir Vladimirovich Golitsyn on 26 March 2023. During his long career Judge Golitsyn was a key contributor to the development of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.

REGISTRATIONS OPEN: Costa Rica, Thailand; SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED:  Singapore, India, Portugal, Pakistan
A total of 324 registrations were received for all four courses and out of the participants selected, 89 successfully completed the course with 80% or more participation.